Original Poetry – The Wrong Shoes

The Wrong Shoes

Buses lined up along the narrow streets

On the corner of Jones

A gray haired man at the stop hanging out

He wore a kind face like Morgan Freeman

With twinkling eyes as if he had the joke I might not get

He was sitting sprawled on the concrete

Not on the bench that was only occupied by one

Woman in a. flowery dress talking with dramatic flair into a flip


I noticed one loafer was off and one was on

I stared at his brown cobbler style shoe for a moment and wondered

What compelled him to let it slip

His clean green sock pulled tight

Did his feet hurt like mine

Walking from stop to stop

We kept going

Left him there on the cement

With his hands clasped on knees

Would he ride the same bus as phone woman

And sit beside her then

I wondered

What story would he have to tell

When he walked through his door today

Maybe no different than mine

My feet hurt he would say to no one in particular

And not get a reply

Being from a small town any time we get to walk the streets of the big city takes me straight to inspiration. I want to sit on a bench and close my eyes, head leaning back to get the good position for taking in sounds.

At the corner of Jones I couldn’t help but snap this picture. I laughed aloud and told the boys I couldn’t get away from Sweet Potato Jones if I wanted to today. On the way back down the street on the corner of Jones later in the day I witnessed what I wrote about in The Wrong Shoes. The image is as clear in front of me as if I am still walking towards it. We were taking our time at that point. The day was getting closer to that time where everything seems to slow down, long enough to take in a particular scene with a stamp for later.

Now when all I hear are the crickets, the rotating fan, and snores – I find myself reliving the day and the poems present themselves to me. The stranger on the street with one shoe off came back to visit. He made it here with you and me, forever a part of my collection of poetry.



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