Original Poem – Words Are Free

Original Poem – Words Are Free

Words are free

Unless you count the dimes it takes to pay the Internet service or the time it takes to weave them

Words are free

And welcome me into the day with praise

And prayer and expectancy

But sometimes they fail but oh on the days they win

It gives me the hope to begin again

Words are free

to roam inside my brain

Clashing cymbals on most days

And all it takes to calm them is the release

Get out. I command thee.

(I can say thee in my brain without judgement. And this page is mine so thee and thee some more. )

Words are free

and delectable

I would love a table full of them

Just to sit with me and eat of the truth of them

And all they are meant to be but often aren’t

And they escape like crumbs falling helplessly around me until I sweep them up again and see the treasure among the lost

Words are free

And I can build castles with them

Dance under a harvest moon and name a grandmother June

And transform into something lyrical and offbeat with songs for days when I Have time to play

Words are free

And hold a power backed up by scripture

They’re so profound and trivial

Bold lettered to fine print not all of them

Make sense but I can’t see my life without them

A blank page isn’t scary to me and words aren’t afraid of me

We say hello more than goodbye and on any given day that ratio suits me just fine

Words are free

to hurt but I choose not to

Use them that way

They don’t like being manipulated.

Words really don’t. It hurts their feelings

And they have tons of emotions

Just look up synonyms for pain

And you’ll see just how much words can hurt

On any given day

Words are free

They don’t cost me anything

But dimes for internet service to share them

And the time it takes to weave

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