Month: December 2020

Special Interview with Mary Gray and Cammie Larsen of Monster Ivy Publishing!

I love the ladies at Monster Ivy Publishing! They are amazing authors and entrepreneurs who have followed their calling and are working to help others find their voices in publishing! I’m so blessed they took the time out of their busy schedules to meet with me on the Jen Lowry Writes – The Write Amount of Grace Podcast to share how these two sisters started their own press and are rocking it!

YouTube Link for the Podcast

Click here for the audio version of the podcast!


Jen Lowry

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YouTube (Jen Lowry Writes – where I share publishing tips, hold author events, and write live!):

Jen Lowry, Author, Teacher, Speaker

Jen is the author of clean books for all ages. She has twenty published books and more on the way.

New Monarch Press – Boutique Christian Publishing House Opening January 1, 2021, President – Dr. Jennifer Ikner Lowry

Our “Why” Behind Monarch Press

December 20, 2020 on|Publisher Story

Monarch Educational Services, L.L.C. opened doors in December of 2018 to serve Christian families by providing educational resources, consultation services, and publications that would provide access to diverse books that matter. Tutoring services and homeschool consultations thrived. 

As Dr. Jennifer Ikner Lowry (President) grew in her author side of life, she realized this was the focus where she could make the most impact. She prayed and prayed and prayed some more about the path the business would take … knowing that becoming an indie press was on the horizon … until the pandemic hit … and everything went to a standstill. 

While God was instructing her to be still and wait, she was researching and learning more about the publishing industry. Jen advanced a new role in her business and began coaching other Christian authors. During this time, she was raising her family, homeschooling her 8th grader, and holding a full-time Literacy Coach job at a metropolitan high school, while still finding the time to draw peace in writing, sharing, and encouraging others to honor their blank page. 

“What next, Lord? What direction do you want this business to go?” Those were two questions she asked God on her drive to work. She knew there were many authors who needed support and praying partnerships in the industry. She knew authors needed a safe place to build their platforms and share the gifts the Lord has given to them to advance the Gospel of Christ. She knew writers out there had stories to tell … stories that would bless readers … if only they could tell it … if only they had an open door … 

Monarch could be that very door … but only if Jen’s business went to that next level. That faith-reaching place where God meets you and says He’s in control is a beautiful reminder that Jen never was. He knew from the start the plans He had for her. She just has to walk in them. And that’s what she’s done. 

Monarch Press Logo

Monarch Press, a division of Monarch Educational Services, L.L.C. will be opened for submissions beginning January 1, 2021. They will publish clean books that align with the Word of God. Books that matter. It is a boutique press specializing in Christian fiction for middle grades to young adults. If you’re interested in partnering with Jen to make your publishing dreams a reality, have a clean book that matters, and want to get on the ground floor of this publishing company, then check out Jen’s submission guidelines at:

Monarch has been prayed over. Monarch is being led. Monarch has begun. If you’d like to partner with Monarch and Jen, know you can trust this author-publisher relationship. It will be Christ-centered. It will be for God’s glory. Amen.

 The guiding Bible verse for 2021 for Monarch is: 

“Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” Psalm 43:19 


Jen Lowry



Moonbeams and a Mess – Original Poem

Moonbeams are still here

That’s what you left me

Staring way up … up … up like I could touch stars

With my ready eyes

I could never define them

Like if I stared at you too long it would dazzle me

Scribbles on yellowed paper

Uneven tips and lines

That’s what it’s always been

Between us

A mess

And you left that too

So what am I to do with a moonbeam and a mess?

“What am I to do,” I ask the stars

They blink

Morse code


They twinkle live

“You foolish stars. I know that.”

Laugh and dance under moonbeams

Love in the middle of the mess

It’ll be worth it they taunt

With their last flicker

I might

But not tonight

**New Audiobook Release** Bridges (Book One of The Lightbearers Trilogy)

Amazon Link to Bridges

It’s a dream to have my books available in audio! Another dream came true …

Bridges is here. You’ll get to relive the story of Jazzline, Seth, Tucker, Bree …

I absolutely adore Anne Marquardt – my sweet narrator! After you listen, please don’t forget to leave us a review!

If you’d like to be entered into the weekend giveaway, please send me an email and write MERRY CHRISTMAS in the subject line! That’s your ticket for the drawing for a free audiobook code or ebook, your choice! I’m announcing the winner on Sunday, December 6th at 7 pm EST.

If you haven’t signed up for my newsletter, please complete this quick form! I’d love to have you on my mailing list! It’ll give you additional chances to win!

or here:


Jen Lowry


Countdown to Christmas Virtual Events with Jen Lowry

My December Calendar of Events!

Happy December! Let’s celebrate the reason for the season together! With virtual events, we can extend our writing circle and meet new authors, share our love of books, and motivate one another to push through to meet our goals during a busy time!

You can join my friend, M. Michelle Derosier, as we have our writing sprints. Hang out with me while we talk sweet romances, sweet treats, and recipes for an author recipe swap party. Gather your paint supplies and join the WWJs for our holiday paint party! Follow me on Twitch and let’s watch a Hallmark movie together on Amazon Prime watch party! Finally, end our Countdown to Christmas with a Christmas Eve candlelight service right in our very homes! Follow my YouTube channel, Twitch, and check out my social media (@jenlowrywrites) to catch all of the live events!

What writing topics would like to see me cover in the month of December? I’m planning out my year in review episodes for my podcast and YouTube channel, so share your thoughts! I hope you can join me this month! Can’t wait to chat!

Happy Holidays!


Jen Lowry

Jen Lowry Writes – The Write Amount of Grace – Podcast Year in Review – 2020

Halloween Costume Party with the Monarchs (read aloud, haiku poetry, game, illustrating) Jen Lowry – Monarch: Books That Matter Publishing Clean Reads for K12 Thanks to our Monarchs for joining us today for our Halloween Costume Party. Meet Stacey Bartlett, Sandy Green, Rachael Clarke, Caitlin Alexander, and Penny Schneider. 1. Reading of She's Still Here: Kate Sablowsky Paranormal Investigator Series by Cailtin Alexander 2. Haiku Poetry 3. Would You Rather? 4. Illustrating pumpkins with children's book author and illustrator, Penny Schnieder! Follow the Monarchs online and stay tuned for our next events. We will hold a livestreaming or private Zoom event each month. Next month we will be writing with the Monarchs for NaNoWriMo! — Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
  1. Halloween Costume Party with the Monarchs (read aloud, haiku poetry, game, illustrating)
  2. Special Interview with Riley Cross, YA Science Fiction, Dystopian Author of DISCONNECTED
  3. CommonLit Text Set Recommendations with THE IMPOSSIBLE GIRL by Ashely White (#fantasy #mgfantasy)
  4. Interview with Cacey Osborne, I KNOW WHAT YOU DID (Amateur Sleuth, Psychological Thriller by Crooked Lane Books)
  5. Back to School Book Bash with Monarch

Since May 2018, I’ve shared my author journey on my podcast – Jen Lowry Writes! This week will mark the 700th episode since I began! WOW! I just can’t believe it!

If you’ve got Spotify, then you’ll know about the year in review stats they share. My son texted me this morning all excited about his most listened songs. He’d listened to 2,079 hours of Mastodon, then Gojira, Tricot, and Coheed. I didn’t know they did the same type of stats for podcasters until I went to upload my latest episode.

17 countries! Look at those hearts!

I’ve reached 17 countries this year! What a way to be travel! My favorite time to record my podcast is when I’m driving in the car before and after work. Let me just imagine I’m with all my friends in the Philippines, Ireland, and everywhere else I’m popping up! You guys are AMAZING, and I love being able to share my author life with you! It is truly a blessing for me!

2020 has been a tough year for all of us. One thing we’ve got – each other. We’ve got our writing to help us through. We’ve got Jesus to call on and praise. We’ve got ways to connect, even when we feel so far apart at times. Podcasting, videos, virtual events – they all took center stage over book signings and touring – but we’ve made it happen. We are still creating. We are still doing what we love. Let’s continue to do the things that bring us joy. My podcast is one of those things! And I’m just happy you’re along for the ride.


Jen Lowry